From the mobile app
- From the Work Orders tab, select a work order
- Click Check In to get started
- Enter the latest Odometer Reading and Submit the reading. The work order will now show as In Progress in the Work Orders list
- To keep track of your progress, click the Notes tab at the top of the screen. You can add notes with optional photos to keep track of repair work.
- Adding parts used (optional)
- Click the Parts tabs
- A part can be added by scanning its barcode or searching inventory.
- If a part isn't already in the system, you will be asked to add it as something new or add it to an existing part. (i.e. the same type of oil filter from 2 different brands can be tracked together)
- Select the part to add to the work order
- On the next page, enter the Quanitity you are using
- Add the part
- When work is complete, click Update Status
- Click Work Complete and enter the required details of what work was done. (This will appear in maintenance reports)
- Click Save
Note: If the vehicle or asset is unusable, you can mark it
Out of Service by clicking the
... button at the lower right of the screen and selecting
Set Out of Service